Website Services Page Tips

Updated June 28, 2024


A services page seems like a simple list of the things you offer your customers or clients.

But it's a sales page - for YOU!

Your Services page tells your users that you have what they are looking for - or not. And that they are the person you serve - or not. It's a critical part of your customer's journey to working with you.

A great services page helps your customers make a decision about how they can work with you.


Here's a list of my top tips:

Your Services Page provides critical information


Be clear about what you're offering. As I have heard many times - choose clear over cute.


Describe your offer, using clear language that helps your visitor visualized how they will interact with your offer.

Include who it's for and who it's NOT for. Help your customers decide where they fit!

For example, if I see a list of different types of massage - deep tissue, Swedish, shiatsu, myofascial release - help!

Which one do I pick? I can read about this one relaxes and that one does something else - but how do I know which one to choose?

With a description of who it is for - and who it is NOT for, if appropriate - you can help people say - "Yes, this is me. This is where I fit."

If people can't SEE themselves with the transformation you offer, they won't buy!


If your service is restricted to a location, provide that information. This is something I'm adding to my services pages so that search engines can help people find me.

While I can work with people anywhere online, knowing my time zone can be a deciding point for potential clients.


 If you have a set price, I recommend clearly listing it.

If you don't have a set price, then if possible, use a pricing range instead of a minimum value for pricing.

Using a price minimum can anchor the idea that the minimum is the price they will pay and can lead to unrealistic expectations.

If you don't list your prices on your website, clearly show what the next step is and how they can find out what the prices are.

Something like: "Contact me for a custom quote" works!

Call to action

Let users buy quickly.

If you allow them to purchase services on your page, have the buy buttons right there.

If you don't allow users to purchase on your site, have a button to call, email, or submit a form. Or a link to message you on your preferred social platform.

Let them take action as quickly and easily as possible.

Add other relevant information to your Services Page

Offer Details

Some people (yeah, maybe me) want all the details, specifications, materials, and so on - any information you have that will let me get a clearer picture of the prroduct or service.

If you can help me understand how it will feel to work with you, I'm much more likely to make a decision.


You might have an FAQ to answer the most commonly asked questions about your offer.

If this section is on your main services page, keep it very short.

I used to recommend accordion-style elements for this section, where you see the list of questions but have to click to see each answer, but I don't anymore.

That type of element can hide content from search engines and limit its ability to help your SEO.

If you have multiple services on your Services Page and more than 1-2 questions in this FAQ section, you might want to move the service to a separate website page. (See the next section)


Photos or images can be a powerful tool to help your customers understand the experience of what you are offering.

Use visuals carefully to support your service listing - especially video or animation.

It's a good idea to make sure each photo or graphic is critical to your message.

Branding photos, especially of your service or of you performing your service, can be a powerful support to your narrative.

How to design your Services Page for your users

Divide multiple services into sections

If you offer multiple services, divide each one into clear sections, using visual cues like slight background differences or a divider. 

Divide categories of services into sections

If you have several types of offers, it can help your users if you divide the categories or types into sections. 

Consider separate pages for each service or category of services

If you have a lot to say about your services, you may need to add a page for each service to provide all the information.

In that case, provide basic information on each service on your main page. Then have a link to get to the page for the individual service with all the details.

Help your user choose between services

If you offer multiple services, help your visitor know which one is right for them.

I mentioned this in the description section, but I find it is something I struggle with on websites.

And if I'm confused, I won't decide! So help me decide by helping me know where I fit into your offers.

Use enough details for the service or offer

Inexpensive services don't need as much explanation as more expensive offers do.

However, being descriptive helps your users imagine themselves using your product or service, so provide enough details for them to share that vision.

Offer clear navigation for your Services Page (or Pages)

Use on-page links

Use on-page navigation to let people skip to the sections they want to go to if you have a long page with multiple sections. This feature is available on most website platforms.

Let people see the big picture of your offers

Make sure there is a whole-picture overview of what you offer.

Then add links to get to each page or section if you split your services or categories into multiple pages or sections.

Check for orphan pages

If you have multiple pages of services, make sure you don't end up with "orphan pages."

Orphan pages are pages where your users can't navigate easily to other pages or parts of the website.

If you create website pages that are not available in your main navigation menu, it's easy to forget to create a way to get to these pages, or back to the rest of the website.

It takes clicking through your pages to find these - they're a pet peeve of mine, but I still find them in my websites sometimes!

Three last tips for your Services Page

Offer social proof

Add a testimonial or two - just a short quote - in sections down through the page or at the bottom.

Let them know what to expect

Show them the next steps.

What happens if your visitor purchases a service?

What are the steps that will happen, and how will it work? L

et people know what to expect!

Add options for people who don't buy

Include a "not ready yet" option for visitors to keep in touch - download a freebie, get on your email newsletter, follow you on social, or whatever the next step in your funnel is.

Allowing visitors to join your audience will help you to stay in touch and nurture them - they might be ready to buy in the future!


Want me to peek at your Services Page? Head to MY Services Page and schedule a consultation. Or, if you're a Your Website Buddy subscriber, check your Subscriber Resources document for links for discounted consultations. Curious? Check out Your Website Buddy.

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